Create a stable and profitable business by doing what you love

Make your creative business work for you

You love what you do. You are good at what you do. You want to use your creativity and your passion to build a business that brings amazing results for your clients.

But managing projects, searching for new customers, marketing, maintaining a healthy cash flow, plus all those business things like VAT, sales tax and statutory filing, it’s easy to be overwhelmed. Your work/life balance completely can get out of kilter.

There has to be a better way.

Now, there is.

The Creative Business Academy will give you the blueprint for running your own creative business. From the nuts and bolts to the golden rules for marketing and sales, the Creative Business Academy will show you how to make your creative business work for you.

Are you looking to take your company to the next level?

It's important to assess where you currently stand and identify areas for improvement. Ask yourself questions like:

  • What marketing channels am I utilising?

  • Am I satisfied with my sales process?

  • Do I have a clear business plan in place?

By taking the Creative Business Success Scorecard quiz, you can gain valuable insights into your business and uncover opportunities for growth.

The Creative Business Academy

Creative Business Academy founder Simon Banks has successfully founded and run five businesses and been involved in a further two, both in the UK and the US. Simon has combined his creativity, his expertise in business with his passion for video, successfully running his own video production company for over two decades.

Find out how Simon can help your creative business thrive.

A stable, reliable, creative business

You are a creative. You want to get on with doing what you love and do best. You don’t want to worry about where the next job is coming from. You want your business to give you freedom in your professional and personal life.

The Creative Business Academy can help you have a reliable and stable business that allows you to do what you do.

Work smarter, not harder

When you’re a business owner, you are prepared to work hard. But you want to work smart as well. You want clients that value your creativity. You want to understand how to run your business efficiently, allowing you the freedom to do what you do best.

The Creative Business Academy will motivate you to reprioritise your work and focus on the parts of the business you enjoy most, while earning a predictable, regular income.

“Simon has helped me go back to doing what I love, and to have a reliable, predictable income without feast or famine.”

Simon Holt, Melbourne, Australia

Creative Business Academy founder Simon Banks can help you create a profitable, reliable business that allows you to do what you love.

It starts with an idea

It all begins with your creativity. Then there’s an idea. Your talent can become something more. You want to launch a business. And suddenly, you are an entrepreneur.

You find some clients. And you have to deliver not only their project, but manage your business. Accounting, marketing, paying the bills. Making sure HMRC is happy. You wish there were two of you - one to concentrate on the creativity, the other to handle the business side.

You spend your days doing what you love and your evenings doing paperwork. And what about new clients? Who’s handling the marketing, the social media, keeping the website updated? Even if you outsource, you still have to manage.

The Creative Business Academy can help you learn how to work smarter, not harder, and make your creative business work for you.

Start making your creative business work for you